A Cup of Tea
"When the news reporter said "shopkeepers are opening their doors bringing out blankets and cups of tea " I just smiled. It's like yes. That's Britain for you. Tea solves everything. You're a bit cold? Tea. Your boyfriend has Just left you? Tea. You've just been told you've got cancer? Tea. Coordinated terrorist attack on the transport network bringing the city to a grinding halt? Tea dammit! "
Jslayeruk, as posted on Metaquotes Livejournal, in response to the july 2005 London subway bombings.

Tealeaves drawn onto the teabag they were brewed in

Tealeaves drawn onto the teabag they were brewed in

used teabags ink and pencil

Tea leaves paper cup and glue

frozen tea on paper

Tea leaves paper cup and glue

used teabags and copper wire

used teabags and silver plated wire

used teabags and copper wire

an infusion and drawing of slate fragments from the beach